Class information
PGEOG 25100 – Earth System Science II
25 students
This class applies knowledge learned in the first part of the course (PGEOG250) to the Earth’s history and evolution. Students study the Earth’s chemical and biological evolution in the context of the Earth’s climate.
Project overview
A survey intended to gather information about students’ time, learning goals and identity was designed and distributed. I, the professor, reviewed the responses and tried to tailor the curriculum and student support strategies based on the information collected.
Why did you select this project? How does it relate to identity and purpose?
I wanted to learn more about my students so that I could develop realistic course goals based on the time they were willing to put into the course. It was important to gather information so that I could incorporate student interests into the curriculum so that I could more deeply engage them. I wanted to learn how student identity impacted their sense of belonging and career goals so that I could build an inclusive class community and encourage all students to strive for their goals.
What advice do you have for other faculty who would like to implement a similar project?
Customize the survey and create a list of emergent themes that you can address in the course. Review the survey responses upon collection and again midway through the course.
Related materials
Survey and Infographic
I uploaded the survey that I used. I distributed it through Blackboard. I also uploaded an infographic entitled “Steps to Enhance Student Engagement”